

Nandi Films & Entertainment works to produce and distribute narrative and documentary films, including securing films rights for distribution and promoting those films. We have a particular interest in connecting Canadian and Bollywood film producers.

We also stage an international film festival which will showcase excellent film works by Canadian and international artists. If you are interested in collaborating with us to produce a film or to participate in a film festival, contact us.

Live Events:

We are committed to providing opportunities for artists and venues to collaborate on producing high-quality performances and events. We can make your vision for an event into reality by coordinating event logistics and details including venue and personnel. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you produce your event, please contact us.


We host classes in acting and filmmaking for students of all ages with instruction from notable actors, writers, and directors with distinguished careers in the film industry.


During our film festival, we will conduct workshops where Canadian and Indian film creators can learn together and collaborate on film projects.

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